Friday, October 24, 2008

in the end

Every beginning must has its own end.Well the time has come know for us to end this course.I can say that I have mixed feelings about ending the course.A lot of things had been learned throughout the course.Experiences and knowledge that I have gain throughout the course will be hard to forget.Above are my reflection of the course.

What I like about blogging

As blogging is like writing a diary or journal but it is done online, I must say that what I really like about blogging is that it made life more easier for me if I want to know my coursemates’ views on the course or anything. University life had made our schedule a little bit hectic, we do not really have a lot of spare time to chat with each other. So, blogging enables me to keep in touch with them and view their opinion about certain things. Keeping in touch with each other is crucial for us as I can know their reflection of the course. We can also give comment on each other’s views and share our thoughts.

The other things that I like about blogging is that I can treat blogging as a tool to practice my language.Blogging helps me a lot in improving my language.

What I do not like about blogging.

Sometimes when I are workloaded or out of internet connection,it is difficult for me to keep updating my blog.Well I guess I just need to manage my time effective .

What I have gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.

This blog is not my first trial at blogging.I have my own personal blog.But for me blogging for this course is an entirely new things for me as through this blog I can give my opinion specifically about the course.This blog helps me to improve my language skills as I have to be careful with the language use and also the usage of shortform. For all the reflection done, I think I had really put my thinking cap on to be bale to come out with all the reflections.This blog had help me in being more critical on aspects of learning


By blogging, I am able to express my own views and opinion about certain things and experience throughout the course.It helps me understand the course and its requirement better and also help me to understand myself better.In language aspect, it helps me to further build up my language and be responsible to my own learning.

What I like about the course

Basically, the course offers knowledge that is very useful for me.

What I have learnt from the course

A lot of things that involved technology for instances,video editing,photo editing and other kinds of editing task.I also have learnt about all the internet skills and how to integrate resources full of technology into a lesson plan or activity.

What I do not expect but have learnt from the course

I have learn how to make tutorials that needed to be included print screen pictures in it.On top of that I also learnt all the editing skills that I never ever think I will learn it in educational ways before this.

If I can change anything about the course, state what it is and explain.

The assignments and tasks.

Sending the assignment in both hard and soft copy makes it a little bit difficult for me as I have to prepared both.I also think tasks and assignments are too many compared to the percentage of marks of each tasks and assignment.

Topics learned.

I think the topics learned in this courses are more towards integrating technology in a classroom rather than manipulating resources.

In my perspective , everything has its own good and bad side.Eventhough there are certain things that I dislike and wish to change about this course, but still the most important thing is that I have learnt a lot of things that I never expected before through this course.New knowledge is gain and now there are I am more clearer about resources in a language classroom.


Well I had done my best in this course' examination.Reading through all the notes and try to recall back what has been teach to me.I quite confident with all my answers during the exam.But who knows for sure right?Have to wait for the result and pray that it is a good one.
Coming towards the end of the course makes my life a bit hectic.I just trying my best to try balancing my time in completing the portfolio and also this blog.I have learn a lot of things throughout the course that in some way has help me to have a broader view on how and what to accept in educating young learners.The experience that I gain throughout this semester are very valuable as some of them are new things that I have never tried or think about it before.This course had teach me a lot of things that will surely very useful for me as a future teacher.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

children software..

Madam Foziah had introduced to us to a few example of childrens' software. For me, all of these software are good and beneficial to children as well as they are interesting and fun. While playing or exploring these software, a child do not only just learning directly from the software but he or she is also try to inject technology in their life . I think the use of software in a language classroom are good as it helps the children to enjoy and have fun during the teaching and learning process.Softwares also enable them to feel at ease and learn indirectly about the language.
I personally like and quite interested with on of the software which is Freedy Fish. It does not only contain a lot of fun elements but it also emphasise on activities that help to built the learners language.

It's assignment 3 now!

Lesson plan anyone?This third assignment is quite tiresome as I have to put my thinking cap and try to be as creative and flexible as I can in creating good lesson plans according to individualiy given topic.It is quite difficult as it requires us to come out with one lesson plans for each skills learn,the total is 4 lesson plans as each lesson plan is have a invisible connection with one another.
This assignment had taught me really well on how to managed resources.For this assignment I am proud to say that I had use a wide range of resources for instances video,audio file,e-book and a lot more.
While doing this assignment, I had realised that lesson planning is very crucial for teachers.In my view,a teacher should have plan his or her lesson first before entering the classroom.This is because lesson planning helps to guide teachers in getting more ready and prepared to teach.It also assist teacher especially new teacher to see are the steps that should be taken when teaching.
I think now I had a clearer ideas about how important a lesson plan can be.
This assignment also take a lot of time to finish it as I not only have to work on creating and writing lesson plans but also writing the tutorials and doing all the appendices.Well everything have its own packages I think.I take that as a part and parcel of our university life..

Microsoft Publisher and Me....

Microsoft Publisher sounds familiar and close to me but well, honestly I rarely use it before this.It can be said that Microsoft Publisher and me are close but far perhaps. When our lecturer announced that we were going to explore Microsoft Publisher and produce somethings using it,the first thing that come to mind is that am I still remember how to use it or not?
As usual this task is also done as a pairwork task.In pairs, we need to come out with a creative design of a name card.Sounds easy right?Well actually the task is not as easy as it sound.This is because creativity needs to be emphasized while creating and inventing the name card.But overall the experience of doing this task is priceless.At last I been able to try out again Microsoft Publisher after along time abandoned it!The other best part of it is that I had been able to create a name card that contain my imaginary job..peace everyone!

check this out...

Feel free to check all the website out!

I found that all of these website are very useful for us as they contain alot of resources of material that can be use in teaching language and also give us some ideas on up coming assignments maybe...

MJ in the classroom?

When Puan Foziah point out that for the next assignment we are going to transfer a Michael Jackson song entitled “The Earth Song” into a lesson plan for a language classroom, I was quite shocked.

At that time, I kept on wondering what kinds of activities can be done based on the song since as far as I know the song’s lyric do not contain a complete sentence structure that can be taught to young learners.But as time went by and after having a long and tiresome discussion with my partner, we finally had been able to jot down a few ideas that can be use.

This assignment also function as a tool to evaluate what we understood from the given lectures and tasks given as through this assignment we had to combine all the skills that we had learned which are audio editing,downloading,picture editing ,making video and others.

In my views this is crucial as this assignment works as the final evaluation for the skills that had been learned and practiced.This is the time for me to show and demonstrate what had been how to integrated into a classroom.It is important for me to take note all of this as these things can make teaching and learning process more effective.

While submitting this assignment I finally had realized one important thing that many of us always forget.Teaching a second language is not all about focusing on the language itself.Sometimes things that we think is not good is the most suitable to be used in teaching.For me, I am quite amused with myself that I can finally finished the assignment on time.Getting ready for another!


I am one of those students who loves working in group or pairs.This is because of several reasons.In my view, i think when doing a selected task, more brains were needed as more ideas can surface.Sometimes when I worked on something by myself, I might forgot about something.But in pair, we have each other to remind us what should be in and what should be left out.I also regards pairwork as a good way to practice tolerance and cooperation.Sharing ideas are also stress in a pair.Luckily I had a reliable and cooperative partner that makes things easier for both of us.

being a director..

Another task that had been given to us is creating video.It sounds interesting as it is.In order to develop a video, I had learnt a few concept involving creating a video.I had learned about the importance of choosing the right to to suit the right audience,how to make a storyboard and how to make the video.Lucky for me that I had quite understand how to use the Powerdirector Software, I had been able to save myself from wasting time doing more exploration and thinking which software is the best to be use.While doing this task, time factor had always bugging me from the beginning since this task is set up before holiday and we needed to pass it up during the holiday!On the top of that it is a pairwork.As me and my partner come from different states, well one in the east and one in the north, email and chatting are our medium to get the job done.But is good as this task is not only teaching us about making and creating a video but I also get some moral values from the task which are time is not a limitation for us and there will always be a way to solve any problem.Well for me, I think this task had become a quite interesting task in a way and it is good as i really enjoyed the process of making and creating a video.

to teach or to impress?

Nowadays, as technology keeps on changing rapidly,it really depends on the teachers how they are going to make full use of it in enhancing their teaching and learning to the maximum.Many kinds of resources of learning can be found through the internet or around us.All of these resources can be authentic or non authentic materials.In my opinion ,I think the authenticity of a resource do not play much part in helping students especially young learners to learn.Both type of materials are equally important as these materials help the learners to have better understanding of language.
In my perspective, I think a teacher should not pick up or select materials or resources only to impress or making the learning process seems more interesting.I deeply believe that only materials that are suitable and appropriate with a lesson should be integrated in the classroom.A teacher might feel excited when students like the material or resources used but i think a teacher should be able to bear in mind about what exactly the materials can do in helping the students learn language and what can the materials provide apart from it is fun and enjoyable.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I learn how to...

This subject had really worked as an eye opener to me.While taking this subject,I had been able to learn a lots of new things along the way.Well on of it is writing tutorials.I know some people might say how can I do not know how to write a tutorial before this.Well honestly, I never have been given any task or assignment that requires me to write tutorial along with it.Well a simple tutorial alias procedure might have been written before but not the complete and perfect one like what is required in this subject.
The most interesting part is that I know what is print screen!This subject had given me opportunity to learn about what and how to print screen.All the tutorials that are done had given me chances to put my "print screen" skill to practice!Viola for me!

Friday, October 17, 2008


the other thing that i have learn through this course is making ebook.After doing some analysis i think Powerdirector software is a very user friendly and easy to use software.I believe that user friendly is good for beginner like me.Powerdirector is to handle and only after a few exploration and discovery done, i think i can figure out how the software work. Bravo for myself! But there is one thing that i did not really like about the software.It hang easily!I have to be very caution and save my work after a few steps are done.That irritated me a litlle bit!But overall i think it still a good software for beginner like me..

Friday, August 29, 2008

audio editing?

Well, to start of with, at first my knowledge on audio editing can be said is next to nothing.To put it nicer, it can be said that I am the new kid in thid subject.Before this i take music for granted,but through this lesson and task i had came to my sense that it is not an easy task to edit an audio file.Many things had to be taken into consideration when editing any audio file such as the quality of the audio,file format,appropriteness and so on..This task also enable me to practice on how to deal with stress as I really felt stress out in doing the task as I have to do all the discovery and try out to get used to the softwares that i'm using.However it is good because at the end of the day i had able to not only learn but also come out with my own edited song eventhough it is not really good but it can be said it was my first baby step..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

picture editing

This task had help me to finally learn how to edit picture.I think it is true that we always give excuses in order for us not to learn new things in life.For me, it always will be time factor.I always think that there will be another time to learn this and that even though sometimes i have intention to learn it.but usually intention will always be intention for me. Not more than that.
This task had helped me to force myself to learn all these new software such as photoshop,nero photosnap and a lot of others.

At least now i had a little bit knowledge about all these software!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


welcome to my space..
that's all for now..