Every beginning must has its own end.Well the time has come know for us to end this course.I can say that I have mixed feelings about ending the course.A lot of things had been learned throughout the course.Experiences and knowledge that I have gain throughout the course will be hard to forget.Above are my reflection of the course.
What I like about blogging
As blogging is like writing a diary or journal but it is done online, I must say that what I really like about blogging is that it made life more easier for me if I want to know my coursemates’ views on the course or anything. University life had made our schedule a little bit hectic, we do not really have a lot of spare time to chat with each other. So, blogging enables me to keep in touch with them and view their opinion about certain things. Keeping in touch with each other is crucial for us as I can know their reflection of the course. We can also give comment on each other’s views and share our thoughts.
The other things that I like about blogging is that I can treat blogging as a tool to practice my language.Blogging helps me a lot in improving my language.
What I do not like about blogging.
Sometimes when I are workloaded or out of internet connection,it is difficult for me to keep updating my blog.Well I guess I just need to manage my time effective .
What I have gained from blogging eg. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc.
This blog is not my first trial at blogging.I have my own personal blog.But for me blogging for this course is an entirely new things for me as through this blog I can give my opinion specifically about the course.This blog helps me to improve my language skills as I have to be careful with the language use and also the usage of shortform. For all the reflection done, I think I had really put my thinking cap on to be bale to come out with all the reflections.This blog had help me in being more critical on aspects of learning
By blogging, I am able to express my own views and opinion about certain things and experience throughout the course.It helps me understand the course and its requirement better and also help me to understand myself better.In language aspect, it helps me to further build up my language and be responsible to my own learning.
What I like about the course
Basically, the course offers knowledge that is very useful for me.
What I have learnt from the course
A lot of things that involved technology for instances,video editing,photo editing and other kinds of editing task.I also have learnt about all the internet skills and how to integrate resources full of technology into a lesson plan or activity.
What I do not expect but have learnt from the course
I have learn how to make tutorials that needed to be included print screen pictures in it.On top of that I also learnt all the editing skills that I never ever think I will learn it in educational ways before this.
If I can change anything about the course, state what it is and explain.
The assignments and tasks.
Sending the assignment in both hard and soft copy makes it a little bit difficult for me as I have to prepared both.I also think tasks and assignments are too many compared to the percentage of marks of each tasks and assignment.
Topics learned.
I think the topics learned in this courses are more towards integrating technology in a classroom rather than manipulating resources.
In my perspective , everything has its own good and bad side.Eventhough there are certain things that I dislike and wish to change about this course, but still the most important thing is that I have learnt a lot of things that I never expected before through this course.New knowledge is gain and now there are I am more clearer about resources in a language classroom.
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